For a free consultation:+44 800 051 9387

Government Assisted Funding

Unlike general financial advisors, all advisors assisting with us are SOLLA (Society of Later Life Advisors) accredited, and specialise in giving financial advice for older people, including ensuring all available government benefits are applied for.

We do not require specialist financial advice to be taken, but highly recommends it, and many of our residents and families do so. It is important for us that you are aware the specialist advisors are not employed by Yani Care, and nor does Yani Care receive any payments or commission from them. We just want to ensure you receive good financial advice.

What we offer:

  • Specialist financial advisor affiliated to each home
  • Telephone, written and in-person advice given
  • Detailed review of financial needs and recommendations
  • Advice given on government benefits available
  • Financial and legal seminars held at home

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